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What day is today?
Monday -- week-one Tuesday -- week-two Wednesday -- week-three Thursday -- week-four ...
RealChina: When you are strong, naturally someone will lend you a helping hand
China's economy is developing rapidly, and its military is also becoming increasingly powerful. H...
RealChina: Anyway, China will always be found to have shortcomings
There are some essential differences between Chinese and English
Chinese focuses on spatial expression, while English focuses on temporal expression. Therefore, ...
computer? electric-brain
Electrical appliances or items that use electrical energy, place electric in front. computer --...
Girls become beautiful when they grow up(女大十八变)... it's really so outrageous The first one became ugly No changes, it's just tech...
These three foldable phones(Huawei XT), apart from showing off, really don't show anything. This doesn't work either With a three fold mobile phone, life is full of ups and do...
Is Newton really as powerful as the legend suggests?
site: ?? Do you still need to acknowledge Newton's achievem...
The remaining building of the collapsed apartment in the United States was blasted: the building fell to the ground instantly my god~~~ Just put a monument on the sp...
lying flat
Now the young people in China have completely realized the reality. They no longer want to work ...
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